: Thanksgiving in Israel 2021

Save the Date: 25/11/2021
Hey Expats!
With Turkey Day right around the corner, and after all the amazing feedback after last year's Thanksgiving dinner, I'm excited to once again offer my special Thanksgiving feast! So if you've longing to get into the Thanksgiving spirit and celebrate with friends and family I've got you!
How does it work?
Simply place your order through here or via phone: 0507123478 and let me know how many people you will be.
Skip the cooking and get your complete Thanksgiving feast this next Thursday 25/11 available for either pick up or delivery.
I'll be taking orders until next Tuesday and have a limited # of meals that I can prepare.
Happy almost Turkey Day!
: Placing my order
* Orders can be placed through FB or via phone:
050-7123478 until Tuesday 23/11
* Everything on the menu is included in the order;
the amounts are fitted to the number of guests.
* Your meal will arrive packaged with
simple reheating instructions.
* Delivery and Pickup options
* Price: 200 NIS per person
Sliced Turkey - Basted and cooked to perfection
Country Gravy - to warm your heart
Old School Stuffing - Herbs and Spices
Mashed Potatoes - American Style
Green Beans - Garlic Confit Vinaigrette
Candied Sweet Potato - Seasoned Herbs
Quinoa Salad - Parsley and Dried Cranberries
Cranberry Sauce - Cardamom
Apple Crumble - Oatmeal and Cinnamon
Pumpkin Pie - can be purchased whole for 100 NIS